So much love

5/10/23:  Like the beginning of our cross-country journey, this last stretch is far more about people than places.  We spent two nights with the Indiana Pietraszek’s earlier this week, and it was such a treat to be so seamlessly folded into family.  Sword fights with twigs and run-away scooter captures on a walk along the Lake Maxinkuckee, a grand campus tour in the fancy 6-seater golf cart, yummy meals both around the dining table and in the local hot spot . . . Super fun!  Thanks, Steve & Beth.  

Last night we were in Columbus, OH, staying with one of my fellow Dandelions. The Dandelions are fierce.  We are 7 women from the fabulous class of ’93 who have not only kept in touch but also endured quite a variety of significant life challenges over the 30 (?!?!?!) years since we graduated from college.  Our bonds are tight, and it’s a very special treat to have 1-on-1 time together.  Thanks, Tracy.

While a significant allergic reaction to a combo of ingested soy and inhaled pine has introduced a wrinkle into our plans for the next few days, we are currently and unexpectedly now in Lewisburg, PA, which means that tonight I get to take Zoe out to dinner while Rali rests and tomorrow, Rali and I will get to see her play in the alumni game, if it’s not canceled because of the rain.  This is her last Bucknell field hockey team thing until August.  Wahoo!!!!

Rali and I sure are missing the girls.  It’s been about 7 weeks on the road, but it’s been much longer since we’ve seen them - mid-January, in fact.  Our hearts will be so filled up when we are all together at home again.  We text and call and FaceTime regularly, but there’s nothing better than real live hugs.  Soon!!!


Well, we learned that the allergic reaction was actually a quick but nasty stomach bug when I experienced exactly the same symptoms two days later when we were staying with George.  Thankfully, Tracy, TJ, and George all escaped infection - PHEW!

We ended up heading home a few days earlier than planned as a result of the bug.  Coming home is a weird mix - it's both lovely and stressful. Simply being home makes me create to-do lists and wrinkle my brow. On day #3 my eye twitched for the first time in 3 months.  Not cool!  My task is to interrogate those parts of myself that get triggered and anxious, to get into conversation with them, and to seek a more healthy balance of all my parts. How incredible to have the time and space to focus on such important things!

Last weekend we went to PA to celebrate our nephew's January graduation from college and wish him well as he heads to TX to begin a 27-month Physicians Assistant program.  We had a blast hanging out with my brother & his family & friends - made me wish we lived closer together so that we could PLAY together more!  


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