The Wave

We look out onto a lake as we sit on a screened-in porch in our happy place in VT.  At noon on this random Tuesday in July a wave that spanned our entire view to the left in front of Wissahickon and to the right in front of SeldomInn rolled in from the center of the Lake St. Catherine.  We may not have noticed it - Rali is editing her book and I have just begun some lesson planning for the fall - except that it crested and broke at various points creating that lovely water crashing sound we rarely hear here. It was like being on the shore of the world’s tiniest ocean: the wave may have been huge on the horizontal axis, but it was only a few inches at most on the vertical axis.  It rolled steadily toward us, cresting here and there over and over for the better part of a minute, with no visual or auditory clue as to its origin.  I so love nature and all of the mysteries and beauty is serves up.


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