Sand Sledding, Hot Springs, & a 13 degree morning in The Turtle

The aptly named Joyful Journey Springs Spa in Moffatt, CO, is our current home, and we recommend it highly.  We came in last night in time to set up The Turtle (our pop-up) before heading to the dining hall for a delicious vegan meal.  The woman who runs the kitchen is SO very proud of the chef she's been mentoring and encouraging over the last 10 months, and his food speaks for itself.  Then we headed to the pools - the hottest of the 3 first, and WOW did that feel good!  Everything in my body seems to melt a bit and let out an audible, "Ahhh."  NOTE: One must be careful walking along the wooden decks as wet footprints quickly freeze into flat slicks.

This morning when we awoke, it was 13 degrees inside The Turtle.  The bathing suits we wore last night in the hot springs and laid out in The Turtle to dry were frozen solid.  This despite the fact that we had our electric heater running full steam ahead all night.  The hot shower, delicious breakfast, and incredible beauty perked us right up, though.

After a bit of research and planning for the days ahead, we headed out with great excitement for Great Dunes National Park.  About 3 square miles of sand dunes climbing around 1000ft off the San Luis Valley stand like foothills at the base of the Sangre de Christo Mountains.  It's crazy!  A landscape I'd expect to see in Egypt or ___________ (fill in the name of your favorite desert here).  In later spring and summer we would have seen Medano Creek flowing across the base of the dunelands; while it was not visible to us, the waters continue running under the sand, seeping down from the mountains and filling the aquifer under the vast valley.  So freakin' amazing.

I hiked up to the top of High Dune.  What a workout!  It's neither the height nor distance but the fact that you're walking on sand that takes it out of you.  So rewarding to hit various milestones in the path you set for yourself - there are no marked trails.  Instead, there is a parking lot and mountains of sand ahead of you to explore and play on.  Some folks came prepared with snowboards or sleds - what fun!  I made my own fun running downhill with my arms making windmills.  Pure freedom and fun!


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