So much love

5/10/23: Like the beginning of our cross-country journey, this last stretch is far more about people than places. We spent two nights with the Indiana Pietraszek’s earlier this week, and it was such a treat to be so seamlessly folded into family. Sword fights with twigs and run-away scooter captures on a walk along the Lake Maxinkuckee, a grand campus tour in the fancy 6-seater golf cart, yummy meals both around the dining table and in the local hot spot . . . Super fun! Thanks, Steve & Beth. Last night we were in Columbus, OH, staying with one of my fellow Dandelions. The Dandelions are fierce. We are 7 women from the fabulous class of ’93 who have not only kept in touch but also endured quite a variety of significant life challenges over the 30 (?!?!?!) years since we graduated from college. Our bonds are tight, and it’s a very special treat to have 1-on-1 time together. Thanks, Tracy. While a significant allergic...